Washington, D.C. 20549
September 30, 2002
Exelon Corporation
10 South Dearborn Street
37th Floor
Chicago, IL 60680-5379
Inquiries concerning this Form U-9C-3
should be directed to: Scott Peters
Exelon Corporation
10 South Dearborn Street
38th Floor
Chicago, IL 60680-5379
Item Page
Number Number
1 Organization Chart 2
2 Issuances and Renewals of Securities and Capital Contributions 4
3 Associate Transactions
Part I - Transactions Performed by Reporting Companies on
Behalf of Associate Companies 4
Part II - Transactions Performed by Associate Companies
On Behalf of Reporting Companies 5
4 Summary of Aggregate Investment 6
5 Other Investments 7
6 Financial Statements and Exhibits 8
Signatures 9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy or Date of % Voting
Name of Reporting Company Gas-Related Organization Securities Nature of Business
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exelon Corporation (a)
Commonwealth Edison Company (a)
Commonwealth Research Corporation Energy 6/8/76 100% Energy-related (Category 1,7)
PECO Energy Company (a)
Horizon Energy Company * Energy 2/6/95 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
Exelon Ventures Company, LLC (a)
Exelon Generation Company, LLC 7/27/00 100%
Penesco Company, LLC Energy 6/6/01 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Cenesco Company, LLC Energy 12/31/01 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Exelon Allowance Management Company, LLC Energy 11/8/01 100% Energy-related (Category 2)
Exelon Peaker Development General, LLC (a) 10/17/00 100%
Keystone Fuels, LLC Energy 10/17/00 20.99% Energy-related (Category 9)
ExTex Marketing, LLC * Energy 5/13/02 100% Energy-related (Category 10)
ExTex Power, LP * Energy 5/13/02 99% Energy-related (Category 10)
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC (a)
Exelon Energy Company Energy and 1/4/99 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
AllEnergy Gas & Electric Marketing Energy 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
Company LLC
Texas-Ohio Gas, Inc. Energy 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
Exelon Energy Ohio, Inc. Energy 9/16/93 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
Exelon Services, Inc. Energy 7/13/99 100% Energy-related (Category 1,
2,7, 8)
Exelon Services Federal Group, Inc. Energy 12/30/88 100% Energy-related (Category
(formerly Systems 1,7,8)
Engineering Management Corp.)
Unicom Power Holdings Inc. Energy 3/23/99 100% Energy-related (Category 7,8)
Unicom Power Marketing Inc. Energy 7/28/97 100% Energy-related (Category 5)
Exelon Enterprises Management, Inc. (a)
Exelon Capital Partners, Inc. (a)
Exelon Enterprises Investments, Inc. (a)
UTECH Climate Challenge Fund, L.P. Energy 6/30/95 24.3% Energy-related (Category 2)
EEI Telecommunications Holdings,
LLC (a)
Automated Power Exchange Energy <5% Energy-related (Category 3)
ECP Telecommunications Holdings, LLC
Energy Trading Company Energy 12/3/96 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Adwin Equipment Company Energy 8/5/68 100% Energy-related (Category 6,7)
* Denotes inactive corporation
(a) Directly and / or indirectly holds securities in energy-related companies.
(Item 1 continued on next page.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy or Date of % Voting
Name of Reporting Company Gas-Related Organization Securities Nature of Business
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exelon Thermal Holdings, Inc. (formerly UT Energy 8/5/97 100% Energy-related (Category
Holdings Inc) 6,7)
Northwind Chicago LLC Energy 8/5/99 100% Energy-related (Category
Exelon Thermal Development Inc. (formerly Energy 2/5/97 100% Energy-related (Category
Unicom Thermal Development Inc.) 6,7)
Exelon Thermal Technologies Inc. Energy 7/30/93 100% Energy-related (Category
ETT Boston Inc. (formerly Exelon Thermal Energy 12/22/95 100% Energy-related (Category
Technologies Boston Inc.) 6,7)
Northwind Boston LLC Energy 1/5/96 25% Energy-related (Category
ETT Houston Inc. (formerly Exelon Thermal Energy 2/5/97 100% Energy-related (Category
Technologies Houston Inc.) 6,7)
Northwind Houston LLC Energy 2/19/97 25% Energy-related (Category
Northwind Houston LP Energy 2/20/97 25% Energy-related (Category
ETT North America Inc. (formerly Exelon Energy 7/18/96 100% Energy-related (Category
Thermal Technologies North America Inc.) 6,7)
Northwind Thermal Technologies Canada Energy 8/1/96 100% Energy-related; Application
Inc. Pending
ETT Canada, Inc. (formerly Unicom Energy 8/1/96 100% Energy-related; Application
Thermal Technologies Inc. Pending
(New Brunswick))
ETT National Power Inc. (formerly UTT Energy 8/15/97 100% Energy-related (Category
National Power Inc.) 6,7)
Northwind Midway LLC Energy 6/2/98 100% Energy-related (Category
ETT Nevada Inc. (formerly UTT Nevada Inc.) Energy 10/30/97 100% Energy-related (Category
Northwind Aladdin LLC Energy 10/28/97 75% Energy-related (Category
Northwind Las Vegas LLC Energy 10/28/97 50% Energy-related (Category
ETT Arizona, Inc. (formerly UTT Phoenix Energy 12/10/99 100% Energy-related (Category
Inc.) 6,7)
Northwind Arizona Development LLC Energy 12/10/97 50% Energy-related (Category
Northwind Phoenix LLC Energy 12/10/97 50% Energy-related (Category
InfraSource Inc. Energy 6/8/99 < 100% Energy-related (Category
Infrasource Integrated Services, Inc. Energy 5/28/99 100% Energy-related (Category
(formerly Exelon Infrastructure Services 1,4,7,9)
of Pennsylvania, Inc)
EIS Engineering Energy 12/11/00 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
P.A.C.E. Field Services, LLC Energy 11/23/98 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
P.A.C.E. Environmental, LLC Energy 2/3/00 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
InfraSource Corporate Services, Inc. Energy 12/28/01 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Chowns Communications, Inc. Energy 8/12/99 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Fischbach and Moore Electric, Inc. Energy 8/12/99 100% Energy-related (Category
MRM Technical Group, Inc. Energy 8/12/99 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Aconite Corporation Energy 5/5/92 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Gas Distribution Contractors, Inc. Energy 10/31/88 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Mid-Atlantic Pipeliners, Inc. Energy 1/23/95 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Mueller Distribution Contractors, Inc. Energy 10/16/86 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Mueller Energy Services, Inc. Energy 9/26/94 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Mueller Pipeliners, Inc. Energy 12/27/89 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Mechanical Specialties Incorporated Energy 3/29/95 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Rand-Bright Corporation Energy 2/11/85 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Syracuse Merit Electric, Inc. Energy 8/12/99 100% Energy-related (Category
Trinity Industries, Inc. Energy 8/12/99 100% Energy-related (Category
OSP Consultants, Inc. Energy 10/26/84 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
International Communications Services, Energy 8/15/89 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP, Inc. Energy 8/12/87 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP Servicios, S.A. de C.V. * Energy 9/30/96 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP Telecom, Inc. Energy 7/13/89 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP Telcom de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. * Energy 1/23/95 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP Telcom de Colombia, LTDA * Energy 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
OSP Telecommunications, Ltd. Energy 8/8/96 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
RJE Telecom, Inc. Energy 1/30/89 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Utility Locate & Mapping Services, Inc. Energy 3/27/91 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Universal Network Services, Inc. Energy 49% Energy-related (Category 7)
Dashiell Holdings Corp. Energy 5/9/00 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Dashiell Corporation Energy 11/14/60 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Dacon Corporation Energy 8/11/69 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
VSI Group Inc Energy 4/20/00 100% Energy-related (Category
International Vital Solutions Group, Inc. Energy 7/28/98 100% Energy-related (Category
Michigan Trenching Service, Inc. Energy 7/21/71 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
* Denotes inactive corporation
(a) Directly and / or indirectly holds securities in energy-related companies.
(Item 1 continued on next page.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy or Date of % Voting
Name of Reporting Company Gas-Related Organization Securities Nature of Business
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lyons Equipment, Inc. Energy 12/5/55 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
MJ Electric, Inc. Energy 10/07/00 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
Electric Services, Inc. Energy 11/02/83 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
EIS Investments, LLC Energy 11/14/00 100% Energy-related (Category 7)
WCB Services, LLC Energy 49% Energy-related (Category 7)
Blair Park Services Inc. Energy Energy-related (Category 7)
* Denotes inactive corporation
(a) Directly and / or indirectly holds securities in energy-related companies.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Change in Borrowings/
Company Issuing Funds Energy-Related Company Receiving / Type of Contributions (in thousands
(Repaying) Funds Transaction of dollars)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AllEnergy Gas & Electric Exelon Energy Company Debt Advance 4,000
Marketing Company LLC
Energy Trading Company PECO Energy Company Debt Repayment (732)
Exelon Communications Company, Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Debt Advance 12,000
Exelon Corporation Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Debt Advance 12,000
Exelon Energy Company EEI Telecommunications Holdings, LLC Debt Repayment (14,000)
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Adwin Equipment Debt Advance 5
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Energy Trading Company Debt Repayment (151)
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Exelon Energy Company Debt Advance 12,000
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Infrasource, Inc Debt Repayment (17,000)
Exelon Enterprise Management, Energy Trading Company Debt Advance 581
Exelon Generation Finance Exelon Allowance Management Company Debt Advance 79,056
Company, LLC
Exelon Generation, LLC Cenesco Company, LLC Capital 2
Exelon Generation, LLC Penesco Company, LLC Capital 20
Exelon Thermal Holdings EEI Telecommunications Holdings, LLC Debt Repayment (10,000)
Exelon Thermal Holdings Exelon Thermal Technologies - Canada Debt Advance 90
Exelon Thermal Holdings ETT Nevada Debt Advance 1
Exelon Thermal Holdings Exelon Thermal Development, Inc Debt Advance 150
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Exelon Thermal Holdings Debt Repayment (450)
Exelon Thermal Technologies - Exelon Thermal Technologies, Inc Debt Repayment (70)
Unicom Power Holdings Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Debt Advance 7,500
Exelon Energy Company Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC Debt Repayment (7,000)
Part I. Transactions Performed by Reporting Companies on Behalf of Associate Companies
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reporting Company Rendering Associate Company Receiving Types of Services Rendered Total Amount Billed (a)
Services Services (thousands of dollars)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blair Park Services Inc. Exelon Communications Company Maintenance and Installation of 598 (b)
LLC Fiber Network
Blair Park Services Inc. PECO Energy Company Telecom 275 (b)
Exelon Services, Inc. Exelon Business Services Group Security System 337 (b)
Exelon Services Federal Commonwealth Edison Company Maintenance and Construction 2,178 (b)
Group, Inc Services
Exelon Services, Inc. Commonwealth Edison Company Maintenance and Construction 177 (b)
Exelon Services, Inc. Exelon Business Services Group Construction Services 641 (b)
Exelon Services, Inc Exelon Generation Company, LLC Installation of Security System 12 (b)
Exelon Services, Inc. Exelon Thermal Technologies, Construction Services 562 (b)
(a) All amounts listed are direct costs billed unless stated otherwise. (b)
Transaction charged at prevailing, or market, price.
(Item 3 Part I continued on next page.)
Part I. Transactions Performed by Reporting Companies on Behalf of Associate Companies
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reporting Company Rendering Associate Company Receiving Types of Services Rendered Total Amount Billed (a)
Services Services (thousands of dollars)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exelon Services Federal PECO Energy Company Construction Project Management 22 (b)
Group, Inc
Exelon Thermal Development Northwind Aladdin LLC Administrative and General 2
Exelon Thermal Development Northwind Aladdin LLC Plant Operators 79
Exelon Thermal Development Northwind Windsor Joint Administrative and General 7
Inc. Venture
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Exelon Generation Company, LLC Plant Management 14
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Aladdin LLC Administrative and General 1
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Aladdin LLC Plant Management 28
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Chicago LLC Capitalized Expenditures 1,077
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Chicago LLC District Cooling 255 (b)
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Chicago LLC Parental Guarantee Fees 38
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Chicago LLC Plant Operators 120 (b)
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Chicago LLC Rent 27 (b)
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Midway LLC Capitalized Expenditures 71
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Midway LLC Parental Guarantee Fees 17
Exelon Thermal Technologies, Northwind Midway LLC Plant Operators 143
Infrasource Integrated Exelon Generation Company, LLC Maintenance 35 (b)
Services, Inc
Infrasource Integrated PECO Energy Company Construction and Maintenance 7,004 (b)
Services, Inc
Mid-Atlantic Pipeliners, Inc. PECO Energy Company GAS-ELEC Construction 93 (b)
MJ Electric, Inc. Commonwealth Edison Company Electrical Maintenance Services 3,285 (b)
MJ Electric, Inc. Exelon Services, Inc. Construction and Maintenance 863 (b)
MJ Electric, Inc. PECO Energy Company Construction and Maintenance 353 (b)
Northwind Chicago, LLC Exelon Thermal Technologies, Cooling 2,057 (b)
VSI Group Inc PECO Energy Company Transfer Work and Meter Reading 5,440 (b)
(AMR Project)
(a) All amounts listed are direct costs billed unless stated otherwise. (b)
Transaction charged at prevailing, or market, price.
Part II. Transactions Performed by Associate Companies on Behalf of Reporting Companies
Associate Company Rendering Reporting Company Types of Services Total Amount
Services Receiving Services Rendered Billed
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(thousands of dollars)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exelon Business Services Company Exelon Energy Company Administrative and 160
General, Legal
Exelon Services, Inc. Exelon Energy Company IT Support 6
MJ Electric, Inc. Exelon Services, Inc. Electrical Contracting 863
Commonwealth Edison Exelon Services Federal Group, Inc. Consulting 25
Commonwealth Edison Exelon Services Federal Group, Inc. Equipment 36
Exelon Business Services Company InfraSource Corporate Services Legal 73
PECO Energy Company InfraSource Corporate Services Office Rent 16
Exelon Business Services Company InfraSource Corporate Services Office Rent 215
Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC InfraSource Corporate Services Payroll - Executive 98
Exelon Business Services Company InfraSource Integrated Services Teleconferencing, Phones, 156
Computers, IT and
PECO Energy Company InfraSource Integrated Services Vehicle Expenses and 2,572
Commonwealth Edison Exelon Thermal Technologies Offsite Facility Usage 2
(a) Transaction charged at prevailing or market price.
September 30, 2002
(in thousands)
Investments in energy-related companies:
Total consolidated capitalization of Exelon Corporation
as of September 30, 2002. $23,299,000 Line 1
Total capitalization multiplied by 15% (line 1 multiplied by 0.15) $3,494,850 Line 2
Greater of $50 million or line 2 3,494,850 Line 3
Total current aggregate investment subsequent to October 20, 2000
(categorized by major line of energy-related business):
Energy-related business category 2 88,626
Energy-related business category 5 176,585
Energy-related business category 6 23,814
Energy-related business category 7 69,288
Energy-related business category 9 6,068
Energy-related business category 10 0
Total current aggregate investment 364,381 Line 4
Difference between the greater of $50 million
or 15% of capitalization and the total
aggregate investment of the registered
holding company system (line 3 less line 4) $3,130,469 Line 5
Investments in gas-related companies: NONE
Filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
Financial Statements
- --------------------
(1) Exhibit A-1 Statement of Income of Exelon Services, Inc. for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(2) Exhibit A-2 Balance Sheet of Exelon Services, Inc. at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(3) Exhibit B-1 Statement of Income of Exelon Thermal Holdings, Inc. for
three and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under
confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(4) Exhibit B-2 Balance Sheet of Exelon Thermal Holdings, Inc. at
September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 104(b).
(5) Exhibit C-1 Statement of Income of Exelon Energy Company for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(6) Exhibit C-2 Balance Sheet of Exelon Energy Company at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(7) Exhibit D-1 Statement of Income of Unicom Power Holdings, Inc. for
three and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under
confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(8) Exhibit D-2 Balance Sheet of Unicom Power Holdings, Inc. at
September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 104(b).
(9) Exhibit E-1 Statement of Income of Penesco Company, LLC. for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(10) Exhibit E-2 Balance Sheet of Penesco Company, LLC. at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(11) Exhibit E-1 Statement of Income of Cenesco Company, LLC. for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(12) Exhibit E-2 Balance Sheet of Cenesco Company, LLC. at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(13) Exhibit F-1 Statement of Income of Exelon Allowance Management Co.
for three and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under
confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(14) Exhibit F-2 Balance Sheet of Exelon Allowance Management Co. at
September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 104(b).
(15) Exhibit G-1 Statement of Income of ExTex Marketing, LLC for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(16) Exhibit G-2 Balance Sheet of ExTex Marketing, LLC at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(17) Exhibit H-1 Statement of Income of ExTex Power, LP for three and
nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(18) Exhibit H-2 Balance Sheet of ExTex Power, LP at September 30, 2002 -
filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(19) Exhibit I-1 Statement of Income of Energy Trading Company for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(20) Exhibit I-2 Balance Sheet of Energy Trading Company at September 30,
2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(21) Exhibit J-1 Statement of Income of Unicom Power Marketing, Inc. for
three and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under
confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(22) Exhibit J-2 Balance Sheet of Unicom Power Marketing, Inc. at
September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to
Rule 104(b).
(23) Exhibit K-1 Statement of Income of Adwin Equipment Company for three
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential
treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(24) Exhibit K-2 Balance Sheet of Adwin Equipment Company at September
30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule
(25) Exhibit L-1 Statement of Income of InfraSource for three and nine
months ended September 30, 2002 - filed under confidential treatment
pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(26) Exhibit L-2 Balance Sheet of InfraSource at September 30, 2002 -
filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule 104(b).
(27) Financial Statements for Commonwealth Research Corporation as of
December 31, 2001 previously filed with the June 30, 2002 U-9C-3.
- --------
1. Network Support Statement of Work dated May 31, 2002, signed
September 5, 2002 for IT support by Exelon Services IT (ES-IT) for
Exelon Energy. Filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule
2. Purchase Order #01042396 dated July 23, 2002 for consulting services
performed by Exelon Services, Inc. (dba Midwest Mechanical) for
Exelon Generation Company, LLC. Filed under confidential treatment
pursuant to Rule 104(b).
3. Purchase Order #00048907 dated August 29, 2002 for heating and
ventilation for D3R17 temporary structures performed by Exelon
Services, Inc. (dba Midwest Mechanical) for Exelon Generation
Company, LLC. Filed under confidential treatment pursuant to Rule
4. Purchase Order #00049529 dated September 13, 2002 for price change
on materials from Exelon Services, Inc. (dba Midwest Mechanical) for
Business Services Company. Filed under confidential treatment
pursuant to Rule 104(b).
Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935,
Exelon Corporation has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized on the 26th day of November 2002.
Exelon Corporation
By /s/ Matthew F. Hilzinger
Matthew F. Hilzinger
Vice-President and
Corporate Controller
With the above signature, I also hereby certify that the corresponding report on
Form U-9C-3 for the third quarter of 2002 has been filed with Exelon
Corporation's interested state commissions whose names and addresses are listed
Donna Caton, Chief Clerk
Illinois Commerce Commission
527 East Capitol Avenue
Springfield, Illinois 62706
James J. McNulty, Secretary
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
P.O. Box 3265
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3265