United States
                       Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  Form U-13-60

                                  Annual Report
                                 For the Period

             Beginning January 1, 2003 and Ending December 31, 2003

                                     TO THE



                          A Subsidiary Service Company

Date of Incorporation               12/31/00

State of Sovereign Power under which Incorporated or Organized     Pennsylvania

Location of Principal Executive Offices of Reporting Company
                  10 South Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60680-5379

Name,  title,  and  address of officer to whom  correspondence  concerning  this
report should be addressed:

 Robert S. Shapard        Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
- ----------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
     (Name)                                   (Title)

                10 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60680-5379

Name of Principal  Holding  Company Whose  Subsidiaries  are served by Reporting

                               Exelon Corporation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LISTING OF SCHEDULES AND ANALYSIS OF ACCOUNTS Schedule of Account Page Description of Schedules and Accounts Number Number - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparative Balance Sheet Schedule I 4-5 Service Company Property Schedule II 6 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Service Company Property Schedule III 7 Investments Schedule IV 8 Accounts Receivable from Associate Companies Schedule V 9-10 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed Schedule VI 11 Stores Expense Undistributed Schedule VII 11 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets Schedule VIII 12 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits Schedule IX 12 Research, Development, or Demonstration Expenditures Schedule X 13 Proprietary Capital Schedule XI 13-14 Long-Term Debt Schedule XII 14 Current and Accrued Liabilities Schedule XIII 15 Notes to Financial Statements Schedule XIV 16 Comparative Statement of Income Schedule XV 17 Analysis of Billing - Associated Companies Account 457 18 Analysis of Billing - Non Associate Companies Account 458 19 Analysis of Charges for Service-Associate and and Non Associate Companies Schedule XVI 20-23 Schedule of Expense Distribution by Department or Service Function Schedule XVII 24-27 Departmental Analysis of Salaries Account 920 28 Outside Services Employed Account 923 29-42 Employee Pensions and Benefits Account 926 43 General Advertising Expenses Account 930.1 44-45 Miscellaneous General Expenses Account 930.2 46 Rents Account 931 46 2

LISTING OF SCHEDULES AND ANALYSIS OF ACCOUNTS Schedule of Account Page Description of Schedules and Accounts Number Number - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Account 408 47 Donations Account 426.1 48-50 Other Deductions Account 426.5 51 Notes to Statement of Income Schedule XVIII 52 Organization Chart 53 Methods of Allocation 54 Annual Statement of Compensation for Use of Capital Billed 55 Exhibit 1: Non-Service Associate Company Transactions 56 3

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Schedule I - Comparative Balance Sheet (in thousands) Give balance sheet of the Company as of December 31 of the current period and prior year. Account Assets and Other Debits As of December 31 Current Prior Service Company Property 101 Service Company Property (Schedule II) $ 248,581 $ 162,382 107 Construction work in progress (Schedule II) 12,259 94,273 --------- --------- Total Property $ 260,840 $ 256,655 108 Less accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization of service company property (Schedule III) 83,313 79,559 --------- --------- Net Service Company Property $ 177,527 $ 177,096 --------- --------- Investments 123 Investments in associate companies (Schedule IV) $ -- $ -- 124 Other Investments (Schedule IV) 12,233 7,778 --------- --------- Total Investments $ 12,233 $ 7,778 --------- --------- Current and Accrued Assets 131 Cash $ -- $ -- 134 Special deposits -- -- 135 Working funds -- -- 136 Temporary cash investments (Schedule IV) -- -- 141 Notes receivable -- -- 143 Accounts receivable 36,542 40,473 144 Accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts -- -- 146 Accounts receivable from associate companies 48,559 87,206 (Schedule V) 152 Fuel stock expenses undistributed (Schedule VI) -- -- 154 Materials and supplies -- -- 163 Stores expense undistributed (Schedule VII) -- -- 165 Prepayments 20,476 26,177 174 Miscellaneous current and accrued assets -- -- (Schedule VIII) -- -- --------- Total Current and Accrued Assets $ 105,577 $ 153,856 --------- --------- Deferred Debits 181 Unamortized debt expense $ -- $ -- 184 Clearing Accounts 478 1,212 186 Miscellaneous deferred debits (Schedule IX) 175 2,134 188 Research, development, or demonstration expenditures (Schedule X) -- -- 190 Accumulated deferred income taxes (2,489) 61,762 --------- --------- Total Deferred Debits $ (1,836) $ 65,108 --------- --------- TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS $ 293,501 $ 403,838 ========= ========= 4

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Schedule I - Comparative Balance Sheet (in thousands) Account Liabilities and Proprietary Capital As of December 31, Current Prior Proprietary Capital 201 Common stock issued (Schedule XI) $ -- $ -- 211 Miscellaneous paid-in capital (Schedule XI) 11,176 11,176 215 Appropriated retained earnings (Schedule XI) -- -- 216 Unappropriated retained earnings (Schedule XI) (320) (2,000) --------- --------- Total Proprietary Capital $ 10,856 $ 9,176 --------- --------- Long-Term Debt 223 Advances from associate companies (Schedule XII) $ -- $ -- 224 Other long-term debt (Schedule XII) -- -- 225 Unamortized premium on long-term debt -- -- 226 Unamortized discount on long-term debt - debit -- -- --------- --------- Total Long-Term Debt $ -- $ -- --------- --------- Current and Accrued Liabilities 231 Notes payable $ -- $ -- 232 Accounts payable 83,837 94,328 233 Notes payable to associate companies (Schedule XIII) 115,000 77,700 234 Account payable to associate companies 4,021 54,140 (Schedule XIII) 236 Taxes accrued 36,610 (11,744) 237 Interest accrued -- -- 238 Dividend declared -- -- 241 Tax collections payable 148 (364) 242 Miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities 8,617 15,094 (Schedule XIII) --------- --------- Total Current and Accrued Liabilities $ 248,233 $ 229,154 --------- --------- Deferred Credits 253 Other deferred credits $ 81,784 $ 135,146 254 Accumulated deferred investment tax credits -- -- --------- --------- Total Deferred Credits $ 81,784 $ 135,146 --------- --------- 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes $ (47,372) $ 30,362 --------- --------- TOTAL LIABILITIES AND PROPRIETARY CAPITAL $ 293,501 $ 403,838 ========= ========= 5

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule II - Service Company Property (in thousands) Balance at Retirements Balance Beginning or Other 1 at Close Description of Year Additions Sales Changes of Year Service Company Property Account 301 Organization $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant -- -- -- -- -- 304 Land and Land Rights -- -- -- -- -- 305 Structures and Improvements -- -- -- -- -- 306 Leasehold Improvements 17,469 -- (407) (1,735) 15,327 307 Equipment2 130,133 109,003 (4,977) (14,145) 220,014 308 Office Furniture and Equipment 4,075 628 (60) (1,897) 2,746 309 Automobiles, Other Vehicles and Related Garage Equipment -- -- -- -- -- 310 Aircraft and Airport Equipment 9,570 -- -- -- 9,570 311 Other Service Company Property3 1,135 -- (211) -- 924 --------- --------- --------- --------- SUB-TOTAL $ 162,382 $ 109,631 $ (5,655) $ (17,777) $ 248,581 107 Construction Work in Progress 1,4 94,273 10,254 -- (92,268) 12,259 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL $ 256,655 $ 119,885 $ (5,655) $(110,045) $ 260,840 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= 1 Provide an explanation of those changes considered material: Construction work in progress related to the implementation of new accounting software was placed in service in April of 2004. 2 Subaccounts are required for each class of equipment owned. The service company shall provide a listing by subaccount of equipment additions during the year and the balance at the close of the year. Balance at Subaccount Description Additions Close of Year Computer Software $ 88,650 175,638 Computer Equipment 20,353 43,431 Communications Equipment -- 812 Office Machines -- 133 -------- -------- TOTAL $109,003 $220,014 ======== ======== 3 Describe other service company property: Other service property primarily consists of graphic arts equipment. 4 Describe construction work in progress: CWIP includes computer software, computer equipment, leasehold improvements, audiovisual equipment, and furniture. 6

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule III - Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Service Company Property (in thousands) Addit. Charged Other Balance at to Changes Balance Beginning Account Retire- Add at Close Description of Year 403 ments (Deduct)* of Year Account 301 Organization $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant -- -- -- -- -- 304 Land and Land Rights -- -- -- -- -- 305 Structures and Improvements -- -- -- -- -- 306 Leasehold Improvements 4,809 1,164 -- (1,734) 4,239 307 Equipment 71,458 23,196 (4,684) (12,293) 77,677 308 Office Furniture and Fixtures 2,049 397 (59) (1,898) 489 309 Automobiles, Other Vehicles and Related Garage Equipment -- -- -- -- -- 310 Aircraft and Airport Equipment 795 287 -- -- 1,082 311 Other Service Company Property 448 47 -- (669) (174) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- TOTAL $ 79,559 $ 25,091 $ (4,743) $(16,594) $ 83,313 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== *Provide an explanation of those changes considered material: 7

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule IV - Investments (in thousands) Instructions: Complete the following schedule concerning investments. Under Account 124 "Other Investments," state each investment separately, with description, including, the name of issuing company, number of shares or principal amount, etc. Under Account 136, "Temporary Cash Investments," list each investment separately. Balance at Balance at Description Beginning of Year Close of Year Account 123 - Investment in Associate Companies $ -- $ -- Account 124 - Other Investments Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan Trust 7,778 12,233 Account 136 - Temporary Cash Investments -- -- ------- ------- TOTAL $ 7,778 $23,233 ------- ------- 8

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule V - Accounts Receivable from Associate Companies (in thousands) Instructions: Complete the following schedule listing accounts receivable from each associate company. Where the service company has provided accommodation or convenience payments for associate companies, a separate listing of total payments for each associate company by subaccount should be provided. Balance at Balance at Description Beginning of Year Close of Year Account 146 - Accounts Receivable from Associate Companies Adwin Realty Company $ 11 $ 11 All Energy -- 1 AmerGen Energy Company, LLC 1,919 879 ATNP Finance Company -- 3 Commonwealth Edison Company 17,595 12,778 Exelon Boston Generating -- 197 Exelon Communications Company, LLC 6 36 Exelon Communications Holding 176 -- Exelon Corporation 2,606 12,069 Exelon Energy, Inc. 132 -- Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC 2,845 6,313 Exelon Enterprises Investment 3 9 Exelon Enterprises Management, LLC -- 10 Exelon Fore River Develop LLC -- 28 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 14,937 -- Exelon Generation Finance Company -- 5 Exelon Holdings, Inc. 8 -- Exelon Mystic -- 42 Exelon Mystic Development LLC -- 31 Exelon New England Holdings, Inc -- 245 Exelon Power Fossil (formerly Ex Tex LaPorte LP) 69 70 Exelon Services, Inc. 64 332 Unicom Thermal Holding 18 110 F and M Holdings (formerly Exelon Infrastructure Services, Inc.) 111 107 PEC Financial Services, LLC 45 -- PECO Energy Company 46,237 15,246 PECO Energy Power Company 1 -- PECO Energy Transition Trust 264 -- Susquehanna Electric Company 158 37 Susquehanna Power Company 1 -- ------- ------- TOTAL $87,206 $48,559 ======= ======= 9

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule V - Accounts Receivable from Associate Companies - continued (in thousands) Analysis of Convenience or Accommodation Payments during 2003: Amount Affiliate Paid All Energy $ 27 Commonwealth Edison Company 17,123 Exelon Communications Company, LLC 2 Exelon Corporation 45 Exelon Energy, Inc. 235 Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC 388 Exelon Enterprises Management, LLC 2 Exelon Fore River Develop LLC 1 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 31,917 Exelon Mystic 73 Exelon Mystic Development LLC 1 Exelon Power Fossil 134 Exelon Services, Inc. 454 Exelon Thermal Holding 52 F and M Holdings 152 PECO Energy Company 132,862 Powerlabs LLC 4 Susquehanna Electric Company 41 Susquehanna Power Company 6 --------- Total Payments $ 183,519 ========= Convenience payments made for: Account Payables $ 163,277 Corporate Credit Cards 92 Employee Benefits 42,772 Information System Purchases 1,166 NEIL Reimbursement (23,788) --------- Total Payments $ 183,519 ========= 10

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule VI - Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (in thousands) Instructions: Report the amount of labor and expenses incurred with respect to fuel stock expenses during the year and indicate amount attributable to each associate company. Under the section headed "Summary" listed below give an overall report of the fuel functions performed by the service company. Description Labor Expenses Total Account 152 - Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed None. TOTAL $ -- $ -- $ -- Summary: Not applicable ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule VII - Stores Expense Undistributed (in thousands) Instructions: Report the amount of labor and expenses incurred with respect to stores expense during the year and indicate amount attributed to each associate company. Description Labor Expenses Total Account 163 - Stores Expense Undistributed None. TOTAL $ -- $ -- $ -- 11

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule VIII - Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets (in thousands) Instructions: Provide detail of items in this account. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped, showing the number of items in each group. Balance at Balance at Description Beginning of Year Close of Year Account 174 - Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets None. TOTAL $ -- $ -- ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule IX - Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (in thousands) Instructions: Provide detail of items in this account. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped by class by showing the number of items in each class. Balance at Balance at Description Beginning of Year Close of Year Account 186 - Miscellaneous Deferred Debits Accounting Subsystem Transactions Pending Distribution $ 1,636 $ 107 Deferred Unearned Compensation 498 68 --------- -------- TOTAL $ 2,134 $ 175 ========= ======== 12

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule X - Research, Development or Demonstration Expenditures (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a description of each material research, development, or demonstration project which incurred costs by the service corporation during the year. Description Amount Account 188 - Research, Development, or Demonstration Expenditures None. TOTAL $ -- ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XI - Proprietary Capital (in dollars) Account Class of Number of Shares Par or Stated Outstanding Close of Period Number Stock Authorized Value per Share No. of Shares Total Amount 201 Common 1,000 $0.01 100 $1.00 Instructions: Classify amounts in each account with brief explanation, disclosing the general nature of transactions which give rise to the reported amounts. (in thousands) Description Amount Account 211 - Miscellaneous Paid-In Capital Beginning Balance $ 11,176 Account 215 - Appropriated Retained Earnings -- -------- -- TOTAL $ 11,176 ======== 13

Instructions: Give particulars concerning net income or (loss) during the year, distinguishing between compensation for the use of capital owed or net loss remaining from servicing non associates per the General Instructions of the Uniform System of Accounts. For dividends paid during the year in cash or otherwise, provide rate percentage, amount of dividend, date declared and date paid. (in thousands) Balance at Net Income Dividends Balance at Description Beginning of Year or (Loss) Paid Close of Year Account 216 - Unappropriated Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) $(1,378) $ 1,414 $ -- $ 36 Other Comprehensive Income (622) 266 -- (356) ------- ------- -------- ------- TOTAL $(2,000) $ 1,680 $ -- $ (320) ======= ======= ======== ======= ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XII - Long Term Debt (in thousands) Instructions: Advances from associate companies should be reported separately for advances on notes, and advances on open account. Names of associate companies from which advances were received shall be shown under the class and series of obligation column. For Account 224 - Other long-term debt provide the name of creditor company or organization, terms of the obligation, date of maturity, interest rate, and the amount authorized and outstanding. Terms of Obligation Class Beginning Balance Name of & Series Date of Interest Amount at Close Creditor of Obligation Maturity Rate Authorized Additions Deductions* of Year Acct 223 - Advances from Associate Companies: None. Acct 224 - Other Long Term Debt: None. TOTAL $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- *Give an explanation of Deductions: 14

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XIII - Current and Accrued Liabilities (in thousands) Instructions: Provide balance of notes and accounts payable to each associate company. Give description and amount of miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped, showing the number of items in each group. Balance at Balance at Description Beginning of Year Close of Year Account 233 - Notes Payable to Associate Companies Short - Term Notes Payable to Exelon Corporation For Working Capital $ 77,700 $115,000 -------- -------- TOTAL $ 77,700 $115,000 ======== ======== Account 234 - Accounts Payable to Associate Companies ATNP Finance Company $ 1 $ -- Commonwealth Edison Company -- -- Exelon Corporation 4,331 -- Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC 486 -- Exelon Energy, Inc. -- 5 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 28,948 3,974 PECO Energy Company 20,368 -- Powerlabs LLC -- 42 Susquehanna Power Company -- -- Unicom Resources 6 -- -------- -------- TOTAL $ 54,140 $ 4,021 ======== ======== Account 242 - Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities Accrued Vacation Pay/Paid Time Off $ 7,104 $ 8,617 Accrued Incentive Pay 8,000 -- Other (10) -- -------- -------- TOTAL $ 15,094 $ 8,617 ======== ======== 15

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XIV - Notes to Financial Statements Instructions: The space below is provided for important notes regarding the financial statements or any account thereof. Furnish particulars as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at the end of the year. Notes relating to financial statements shown elsewhere in this report may be indicated here by reference. On October 20, 2000, Exelon Corporation (Exelon), became the parent company for each of PECO Energy Company (PECO Energy) and Commonwealth Edison Company as a result of the completion of the transactions contemplated by an Agreement and Plan of Exchange and Merger, as amended, among PECO, Unicom Corporation and Exelon. Exelon is a Pennsylvania corporation and registered holding company under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. In January, 2001, Exelon restructured its regulated and unregulated companies. Assets and liabilities were transferred from PECO Energy and Commonwealth Edison Company to generation (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), and unregulated companies (primarily, Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC) and the Exelon Business Services Company, as appropriate. Exelon Business Services Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Exelon and is the service company for the Exelon system providing associate companies with a variety of administrative, management and support services. These services are provided at cost that results in Exelon Business Services Company operating on a break-even basis. Exelon Business Services Company follows the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The financial statements are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, which requires the use of estimates. The actual results may differ from those estimates. 16

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XV - Statement of Income (in thousands) Account Description Current Year Prior Year Income 457 Services rendered to associate companies $408,188 $413,082 458 Services rendered to non associate companies 119 296 421 Miscellaneous income or loss (2,801) 1,070 --------- --------- Total Income $405,506 $414,448 --------- --------- Expense 920 Salaries and wages $145,777 $140,709 921 Office supplies and expenses 32,445 30,962 922 Administrative expense transferred - credit -- -- 923 Outside services employed 109,611 124,048 924 Property insurance 15,663 28,438 925 Injuries and damages (243) 206 926 Employee pensions and benefits 35,784 22,256 927 Regulatory commission expense 16 -- 930.1 General advertising expense 2,706 4,766 930.2 Miscellaneous general expense 3,284 8,408 931 Rents 13,268 12,547 932 Maintenance of structures and equipment -- 1,039 403 Depreciation and amortization expense 25,078 30,355 408 Taxes other than income taxes 7,490 6,919 409 Income taxes 20,895 (45,492) 410 Provision for deferred income taxes (14,419) 44,253 411 Provision for deferred income taxes - credit -- -- 411.5 Investment tax credit -- -- 426.1 Donations 3,359 4,277 426.5 Other deductions 1,702 3,916 427 Interest on long-term debt -- -- 430 Interest on debt to associate companies 1,495 1,242 431 Other interest expense 181 (2,773) --------- --------- Total Expense $ 404,092 $ 416,076 --------- --------- Net Income or (Loss) $ 1,414 $ (1,628) ========= ========= 17

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Analysis of Billing Associate Companies - Account 457 (in thousands) Direct Indirect Compensation Total Name of Costs Costs For Use Amount Associate Company Charged Charged of Capital Billed 457-1 457-2 457-3 All Energy $ 31 $ $ $ 31 AmerGen Energy Company 4,158 (149) 20 4,029 ATNP Finance Company 9 9 Commonwealth Edison Company 76,136 49,748 503 126,387 Exelon Boston Generating 516 516 Exelon Communications Company, LLC 158 158 Exelon Corporation 13,562 22,994 1 36,557 Exelon Energy, Inc. 551 551 Exelon Enterprises Company, LLC (1,253) 40,444 166 39,357 Exelon Enterprises Investment 30 30 Exelon Enterprises Management, LLC 95 95 Exelon Fore River Develop LLC 67 67 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 52,398 81,550 497 134,445 Exelon Generation Finance Company 16 16 Exelon Mystic LLC 83 83 Exelon Mystic Development LLC 61 61 Exelon New Boston, LLC 41 41 Exelon New England Holdings, Inc 1,536 1,536 Exelon New England Power Services 2 2 Exelon Power Fossil 703 703 Exelon Services, Inc. 268 268 Exelon Thermal Holding 511 511 Exelon West Medway, LLC 7 7 InfraSource 620 620 PECO Energy Company 35,019 26,496 158 61,673 Powerlabs LLC 185 185 Susquehanna Electric Company 250 250 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL $ 185,760 $ 221,083 $ 1,345 $ 408,188 ========= ========= ========= ========= 18

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Analysis of Billing Non Associate Companies - Account 458 (in thousands) Instruction: Provide a brief description of the services rendered to each non associate company: Name Direct Indirect Compens. Excess Total Non Associate Cost Cost For Use Total or Amount Company Charged Charged of Capital Cost Deficiency Billed 458-1 458-2 458-3 458-4 Administrative Services Employee Benefit Trusts $119 $ -- $ -- $ 119 $ -- $119 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL $119 $ -- $ -- $ 119 $ -- $119 ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== 19

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVI - Analysis of Charges for Service Associate and Non Associate Companies (in thousands) Instruction: Total cost of service will equal for associate and non associate companies the total amount billed under their separate analysis of billing schedules. Associate Company Non Associate Company Charges Charges Description Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Account of Items Cost Cost Total Cost Cost Total 920 Salaries & Wages $ 76,784 $ 68,944 $ 145,728 $ 49 $ -- $ 49 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 17,089 15,345 32,434 11 -- 11 922 Administrative Expense Transferred-Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 923 Outside Services Employed 57,735 51,839 109,574 37 -- 37 924 Property Insurance -- 15,663 15,663 -- -- -- 925 Injuries and Damages (128) (115) (243) -- -- -- 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 18,848 16,924 35,772 12 -- 12 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 8 8 16 -- -- -- 930.1 General Advertising Expense -- 2,706 2,706 -- -- -- 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,730 1,553 3,283 1 -- 1 931 Rents 6,989 6,275 13,264 4 -- 4 932 Maintenance of Structures and Equipment -- -- -- -- -- -- 403 Depreciation and Amortization Expense -- 25,078 25,078 -- -- -- 408 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 3,945 3,542 7,487 3 -- 3 409 Income Taxes -- 20,895 20,895 -- -- -- 410 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes -- (14,419) (14,419) -- -- -- 411 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes - Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 411.5 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 426.1 Donations 1,769 1,589 3,358 1 -- 1 426.5 Other Deductions 896 805 1,701 1 -- 1 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt -- -- -- -- -- -- 431 Other Interest Expense 95 86 181 -- -- -- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE $ 185,760 $ 216,718 $ 402,478 $ 119 $ -- $ 119 20

Associate Company Non Associate Company Charges Charges Description Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Account of Items Cost Cost Total Cost Cost Total Compensation for Use of Equity Capital 430 Interest on Debt to Associate Companies -- 1,495 1,495 -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- TOTAL COST OF SERVICE $185,760 $218,213 $403,973 $ 119 $ -- $ 119 ======== ======== ======== ======== ========== =========== 21

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVI - Analysis of Charges for Service Associate and Non Associate Companies - continued (in thousands) Instruction: Total cost of service will equal for associate and non associate companies the total amount billed under their separate analysis of billing schedules. Total Charges for Services Description Direct Indirect Account of Items Cost Cost Total 920 Salaries & Wages $ 76,833 $ 68,944 $ 145,777 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 17,100 15,345 32,445 922 Administrative Expense Transferred-Credit -- -- -- 923 Outside Services Employed 57,772 51,839 109,611 924 Property Insurance -- 15,663 15,663 925 Injuries and Damages (128) (115) (243) 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 18,860 16,924 35,784 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 8 8 16 930.1 General Advertising Expense -- 2,706 2,706 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,731 1,553 3,284 931 Rents 6,993 6,275 13,268 932 Maintenance of Structures and Equipment -- -- -- 403 Depreciation and Amortization Expense -- 25,078 25,078 408 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 3,948 3,542 7,490 409 Income Taxes -- 20,895 20,895 410 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes -- (14,419) (14,419) 411 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes - Credit -- -- -- 411.5 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- 426.1 Donations 1,770 1,589 3,359 426.5 Other Deductions 897 805 1,702 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt -- -- -- 431 Other Interest Expense 95 86 181 --------- --------- --------- TOTAL EXPENSE $ 185,879 $ 216,718 $ 402,597 22

Total Charges for Services Description Direct Indirect Account of Items Cost Cost Total Compensation for Use of Equity Capital 430 Interest on Debt to Associate Companies -- 1,495 1,495 --------- --------- --------- TOTAL COST OF SERVICE $ 185,879 $218,213 $404,092 ========= ========= ========= 23

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVII - Schedule of Expense Distribution by Department or Service Function (in thousands) DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION Corporate Center ---------------------------------------------------------------- Description Total Human Finance & Account of Items Amount Overhead Executive Planning Resources Accounting 920 Salaries and Wages $ 145,777 $ 9,506 $ 9,869 $ 3,940 $ 5,988 $ 16,164 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 32,445 601 1,844 1,714 1,010 3,636 922 Administrative Expense Transferred -Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 923 Outside Services Employed 109,611 1,551 596 12,493 3,234 13,067 924 Property Insurance 15,663 624 -- -- -- 15,039 925 Injuries and Damages (243) -- -- -- 12 -- 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 35,784 4,757 1,561 852 1,148 3,682 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 16 -- -- -- 10 -- 930.1 General Advertising Expense 2,706 -- 176 -- 21 7 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense 3,284 15 -- -- 73 170 931 Rents 13,268 37 333 405 309 1,320 932 Maintenance of Structures and Equipment -- -- -- -- -- -- 403 Depreciation and Amortization Expense 25,078 14,348 -- -- -- 731 408 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 7,490 850 227 138 633 543 409 Income Taxes 20,895 20,841 -- -- -- -- 410 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes (14,419) -- -- -- -- -- 411 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes - Cr -- -- -- -- -- -- 411.5 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 426.1 Donations 3,359 -- 36 -- 117 30 426.5 Other Deductions 1,702 -- -- -- -- 211 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt -- -- -- -- -- -- 430 Interest on Debt to Associate Companies 1,495 498 -- -- -- -- 431 Other Interest Expense 181 (464) -- -- 53 -- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL EXPENSES $ 404,092 $ 53,164 $ 14,642 $ 19,542 $ 12,608 $ 54,600 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= 24

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVII - Schedule of Expense Distribution by Department or Service Function - continued (in thousands) DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION Corporate Center ------------------------------------------------------------------ Description Internal Public Environ- Govern Investor Account of Items Audit Affairs mental Affairs Legal Relations 920 Salaries and Wages $ 2,804 $ 1,222 $ 936 $ 2,457 $ 2,925 $ 711 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 454 879 227 826 1,996 177 922 Administrative Expense Transferred -Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 923 Outside Services Employed 1,103 138 435 121 2,588 1,584 924 Property Insurance -- -- -- -- -- -- 925 Injuries and Damages -- -- -- -- 1 -- 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 783 302 210 329 530 185 928 Regulatory Commission Expense -- -- -- -- 2 -- 930.1 General Advertising Expense -- 2,431 -- 6 1 5 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense -- 951 -- 330 2,134 -- 931 Rents 432 137 48 586 199 95 932 Maintenance of Structures and Equipment -- -- -- -- -- -- 403 Depreciation and Amortization Expense -- -- -- -- -- -- 408 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 96 39 36 63 71 23 409 Income Taxes -- -- -- -- -- -- 410 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes -- -- -- -- -- -- 411 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes - Cr -- -- -- -- -- -- 411.5 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 426.1 Donations 1 3,127 -- 23 -- -- 426.5 Other Deductions -- 111 -- 954 -- 308 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt -- -- -- -- -- -- 430 Interest on Debt to Associate Companies -- -- -- -- -- -- 431 Other Interest Expense -- -- -- -- 386 -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL EXPENSES $ 5,673 $ 9,337 $ 1,892 $ 5,695 $10,833 $ 3,088 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 25

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVII - Schedule of Expense Distribution by Department or Service Function - continued (in thousands) DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION Corp Cntr EDSS Business Services Company (BSC) --------- ---- --------------------------------- Description Human Financial Account of Items Security Executive Overhead Resources Services Legal 920 Salaries and Wages $ 1,709 $ 8,058 $ 27,233 $ 5,289 $ 4,299 $ 12,685 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 220 1,349 (31,532) 2,764 1,706 3,315 922 Administrative Expense Transferred -Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 923 Outside Services Employed 78 475 4,414 4,541 484 932 924 Property Insurance -- -- -- -- -- -- 925 Injuries and Damages -- -- 56 (16) (30) (27) 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 421 421 9,090 1,169 696 2,415 928 Regulatory Commission Expense -- -- -- -- -- -- 930.1 General Advertising Expense -- 1 39 6 -- -- 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense -- -- (465) 40 -- -- 931 Rents -- -- 244 830 480 1,295 932 Maintenance of Structures and Equipment -- -- -- -- -- -- 403 Depreciation and Amortization Expense -- -- 923 1,195 1,050 847 408 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 58 50 1,870 250 218 619 409 Income Taxes -- 32 22 -- -- -- 410 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes -- -- (14,419) -- -- -- 411 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes - Cr -- -- -- -- -- -- 411.5 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- -- -- -- 426.1 Donations -- -- 6 -- -- -- 426.5 Other Deductions -- 4 98 -- 16 -- 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt -- -- -- -- -- -- 430 Interest on Debt to Associate Companies -- -- 997 -- -- -- 431 Other Interest Expense -- 61 145 -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,486 $ 10,451 $ (1,279) $ 16,068 $ 8,919 $ 22,081 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 26

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVII - Schedule of Expense Distribution by Department or Service Function - continued (in thousands) DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION Business Services Company (BSC) Description Audio Account of Items Supply IT Visual 920 921 Salaries and Wages $ 1,172 $ 26,249 $ 2,561 Office Supplies and 922 Expenses 757 40,446 56 Administrative Expense Transferred 923 -Credit -- -- -- Outside Services 924 Employed 5,921 55,624 232 925 Property Insurance -- -- -- 926 Injuries and Damages (5) (230) (4) Employee Pensions 928 and Benefits 182 6,919 132 Regulatory Commission 930.1 Expense -- -- 4 General Advertising 930.2 Expense 13 -- -- Miscellaneous General 931 Expense (3) 39 -- 932 Rents 120 6,341 57 Maintenance of Structures and 403 Equipment -- -- -- Depreciation and Amortization 408 Expense 136 5,778 70 Taxes Other Than 409 Income Taxes 59 1,604 43 410 Income Taxes -- -- -- Provision for Deferred 411 Income Taxes -- -- -- Provision for Deferred 411.5 Income Taxes - Cr -- -- -- 426.1 Investment Tax Credit -- -- -- 426.5 Donations 8 11 427 Other Deductions -- -- -- Interest on Long-Term 430 Debt -- -- -- Interest on Debt to 431 Associate Companies -- -- -- Other Interest Expense -- -- -- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL EXPENSES $ 8,360 $ 142,781 $ 3,151 ========= ========= ========= 27

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Departmental Analysis of Salaries - Account 920 (in thousands) Departmental Salary Expense Name of Department Included in Amounts Billed to ----------------------------- Number of Indicate each department Total Parent Other Non Personnel Or service function Amount Company Associates Associates End of Year Corporate Center Overhead $ 9,506 $ 242 $ 9,264 $ -- -- Executive 9,869 459 9,410 -- 24 Planning 3,940 1,758 2,182 -- 24 Human Resources 5,988 231 5,757 -- 18 Finance and Accounting 16,164 398 15,766 -- 136 Internal Audit 2,804 70 2,734 -- 26 Communications & Public Affairs 1,222 31 1,191 -- 9 Environmental 936 23 913 -- 8 Governmental Affairs 2,457 1,200 1,257 -- 10 Legal 2,925 76 2,849 -- 11 Investor Relations 711 18 693 -- 5 Security 1,709 40 1,669 -- 16 Energy Delivery Shared Services 8,058 -- 8,058 -- 8 Business Services Company Overhead 27,233 -- 27,233 -- 24 Human Resources 5,289 -- 5,170 119 47 Financial 4,299 -- 4,299 -- 59 Legal 12,685 -- 12,685 -- 116 Supply Management 1,172 -- 1,172 -- 16 Information Technology 26,249 -- 26,249 -- 301 Audio Visual 2,561 -- 2,561 -- 12 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- TOTAL $145,777 $ 4,546 $141,112 $ 119 870 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 28

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a breakdown by subaccount of outside services employed. If the aggregate amounts paid to any one payee and included within one subaccount is less than $25,000, only the aggregate number and amount of all such payments included within the subaccount need to be shown. Provide a subtotal for each type of service. Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Audit Services Enfusion Technologies 6 Brian Hill Road N $ 29 Montclair NJ 07042 Ernst & Young LLP P.O. BOX 96907 N 686 Chicago, IL 60693 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 2400 Eleven Penn Center N 5,524 Philadelphia PA 19103-2962 Protiviti Inc. 120 S. LaSalle N 310 Chicago, IL 60603 Other (7 vendors) 86 --------- $ 6,635 --------- Audio Visual Services Applied Video Technology The Shops at the Great Valley N $ 61 Malvern PA 19355 Central Camera Company 230 S Wabash Avenue N 82 Chicago, IL 60604 Roscor Corporation 1061 Feehanville N 56 Mt Prospect IL 60056 Other (19 vendors) N 50 --------- $ 249 --------- Benefit Administration PMA Group 380 Sentry Parkway N $ 191 Blue Bell PA 19422-2328 Other (4 vendors) 64 --------- $ 255 --------- Conference Centers Marriott International P.O. BOX 402642 N $ 186 Atlanta, GA 30384-2652 Mendenhall Inn Hotel & Conference N 59 Mendenhall PA 19357 Oakbrook Hills Hotel and Resort 3500 Midwest Road N 55 Oak Brook IL 60521 Sea Island POB 30351 N 88 Sea Island GA 31561 29

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Conference Centers - continued Wyndham/Drake Hotel 2301 York Road N 63 Oak Brook, IL 60523 Other (2 vendors) 39 --------- $ 490 --------- Corporate Aircraft Management NetJets, Inc. P.O. BOX 631196 N $ 2,450 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1196625 --------- Corporate Planning Consulting A.T. Kearney P. O. BOX 96796 N $ 5,552 Chicago, IL 60693 Accenture, LLP 100 S Wacker Dr N 734 Chicago IL 60606 Ayco Company POB 3182 N 108 Buffalo NY 14240 Breckenridge Partners 1200 Shermer Road N 184 Northbrook IL 60062 Cambridge Energy Research Assoc. 20 University Road N 35 Cambridge MA 02138 Charles River Associates D-139 N 769 Boston, MA 02241- 3139 Deloitte Consulting File East PO Box 29490 N 2,750 New York NY 10087-9490 The Hackett Group 11 Highland Drive N 175 Kingston MA 02364 Heidrick & Struggles POB 92227 N 204 Chicago IL 60675 Lehman Brothers 200 Vesey N 1,000 New York NY 10285 The McAulay Firm 100 North Tryon Street N 170 Charlotte, NC 28202 Mercer Management Consulting 200 Clarenden St N 56 Boston MA 02116 Moore Wallace North America Inc N 31 National Economic Research POB 29677 N 211 Association New York NY 10087 The Northbridge Group 55 Old Bedford Rd N 2,212 Lincoln MA 01773 Right Management Consultants 401 Plymouth Road N 129 Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 Robertson Lowstuter, Inc. 2201 Waukegan Rd N 31 Bannockburn IL 60015 Scott Madden Associates 2626 Glenwood Ave, Ste 480 N 915 Raleigh, NC 27608 30

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Corporate Planning Consulting - continued Sullivan & Associates 200 East Chicago Avenue N 42 Westmont IL 60559 Other (23 vendors) N 159 --------- $ 15,467 --------- Employee Contracting Advanced Personnel 1901 Butterfield Road N $ 59 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Klatt Temporary 123 West Madison N 50 Chicago, IL 60602 Manpower Services 2301 Market Street N 494 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Onsite Energy Services 7301 Parkway Dr N 376 Hanover MD 21076 Resource Connection File # 55221 N 1,934 Los Angeles CA 90074-5221 RHR International Company 220 Gerry Dr N 730 Wood Dale IL 60191 Other (9 vendors) 91 --------- $ 3,734 --------- Employee Relocation National Equity, Inc. 8701 W. Dodge Road N 950 Omaha NE 68114 --------- $ 950 --------- Employee Search Gregory Michaels & Associates 804 N Dearborn St N $ 55 Chicago IL 60610 ITEX Executive Search, Inc. 3601 Algonquin Road N 35 Rolling Meadows IL 60008 Lucas Group POB 406672 N 30 Atlanta GA 30384 Spherion Corporation 823 Commerce Drive N 181 Oak Brook IL 60521 Venator Consulting Group 888 W. Big Beaver N 46 Troy MI 48084 Other (4 vendors) N 24 --------- $ 371 --------- 31

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Environmental Affairs Consulting Five Winds International LP N $ 61 Parker & Associates 14661 S. Harrel's Ferry Road N 186 Baton Rouge LA 70816 URS Corporation 112 S. Michigan Ave N 86 Chicago, IL 60603 Other (5 vendors) 56 --------- $ 389 --------- Financial Analysis 1500 Market St Towers Perrin Forester & Crosby Philadelphia PA 19102 N $ 2,349 Parson Consulting 333 West Wacker Dr. N 30 Chicago IL 60606 Other (1 vendors) N 12 --------- $ 2,391 --------- Financial Ratings Agency Fitch IBCA, Inc. P.O. BOX 96663 N $ 83 Chicago, IL 60693-6663 Moody's Investors P.O. BOX 102597 N 91 Atlanta, GA 30368-0597 Standard & Poor's PO Box 80-2542 N 419 Chicago IL 60680 Other (3 vendors) N 30 --------- $ 623 --------- Financing Andrew Kalotay & Associates 61 Broadway N $ 37 New York, NY 10006 Dresder, Kleinwort, 1301 Avenue of the Americas N 4,198 Wasserstein, Inc. New York, NY 10019 Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw 190 S LaSalle St N 76 Chicago IL 60603 Other (2 vendors) 3 --------- $ 4,314 --------- Human Resources Management Consulting The Cabot Advisory Group 90 Washington Valley Road N $ 304 Bedminster NJ 07921 Caras & Associates, Inc. N 40 Career Concepts Inc. 140 West Germantown Pike N 28 Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 Council for Adult & Experimental 55 E. Monroe N 108 Learning Chicago IL 60603 David L. Glueck, Inc. 2041 N. Howe St. N 25 Chicago IL 60614 32

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Human Resources Management Consulting - continued Diversity Best Practices 1990 M Street N 91 Washington DC 20036 The Leader's Edge Two Bala Plaza N 25 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Mullin Consulting, Inc. 644 South Figueroa Street N 218 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Pilat HR Solution 496 Route 22 West N 98 Lebanon, NJ 08833 Souder, Betances & Associates 5448 North Kimball N 26 Chicago, IL 60625 Watson Wyatt & Company 1079 Solutions Center N 40 Chicago IL 60677 Other (44 vendors) N 234 --------- $ 1,237 --------- Informational Technology Acquity Consulting 311 Wacker Drive N $ 49 Chicago IL 60606 Act-1 Technical Services 1500 Market St N 189 Philadelphia PA 19102 Adesta Communications 801 Forestwood Drive N 33 Romeoville IL 60446 Advanced Software Products 3185 Horseshoe Drive South N 48 Naples, FL 34104-6138 Aelita Software Inc. 6500 Emerald Parkway N 40 Dublin OH 43016 Aerotek, Inc. 7301 Parkway Drive N 239 Hanover MD 21076 Ajilon LLC 210 W Pensylvannia Ave N 301 Towson MD 21204 ALCAR Group, Inc. 5215 Old Orchard Rd N 101 Skokie IL 60077 Aldridge Electric Co. 28572 Bradley Rd. N 794 Libertyville IL 60048 Alternative Resources Corp. 1240 S. Broad St N 111 Lansdale PA 19446 Ameritech Paging 2000 W Ameritech Center Dr. N 125 Hoffman Estates IL 60195 Anacomp, Inc. 7905 Browning Rd N 34 Pennsauken NJ 08109 Analysis Group Economics One Brattle Square N 44 Cambridge MA 02138 Anixter, Inc. 1471 Business Center Dr. N 162 Mt Prospect IL 60056 Answerthink PO Box 116525 N 861 Atlanta, GA 30368 33

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Information Technology - continued AT&T 655 Wise Road N 2,203 Schaumburg IL 60173 AT&T Wireless Service N 113 Avaya Communication 2300 Cabot Drive N 149 Lisle IL 60532 Bindview Development Corp 5151 San Felipe N 248 Houston TX 77056 Black Box Corporation 1000 Park Dr N 769 Lawrence PA 15055 The Blackstone Group 360 North Michigan Avenue N 33 Chicago, IL 60601 Bloomberg PO Box 30244 N 75 Hartford CT 06150 BMC Software Distribution Inc. 2101 City West Blvd N 121 Houston TX 77042 Business Objects 3030 Orchard Parkway N 88 San Jose CA 95134 CA Business Partners 125 E Lake St N 901 Bloomingdale IL 60108 Candle Corporation POB 99974 N 190 Chicago IL 60696 CDB Software Inc POBox 420789 N 40 Houston TX 77242 Check Free Corporation 25 Crossroads Dr N 31 Owings Mill MD 21117 Chicago Soft Ltd. 6232 N Pulaski N 31 Chicago IL 60646 Cincinnati Bell Technology 1507 Solutions Center N 58 Chicago IL 60677 Citrix Systems, Inc. 851 W Cypress Creek Road N 66 Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 Cognos Corporation 67 S. Bedford Street N 37 Burlington MA 01803 Computer Assoc International Inc 2400 Cabot Dr N 75 Lisle IL 60532 Computer Workshop, Inc 1020 31st St N 46 Downers Grove IL 60515 Compuware Corporation 2 Pierce Plaza N 51 Itasca IL 60143 Corporate PC Source 1134 Tower Lane N 280 Bensenville IL 60106 CT Corp System POB 4349 N 27 Carol Stream IL 60197 Curtis Howland Company 872 S Milwaukee Ave N 347 Libertyville, IL 60048-4327 34

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Information Technology - continued Cybermation Inc 80 Tiverton Ct N 48 Markham ON L3ROG Delta Solutions 4 Parkway North N 175 Deerfield IL 60015 DHS & Associates O'Hare International Plaza N 77 10255 W. Higgins Rd Rosemont, IL 60018 Digex, Inc. P.O. BOX 631763 N 268 Baltimore, MD 21263-1763 Ecora Corporation 500 Spaulding Turnpike N 121 Portsmouth NH 03802 EMC Corp 171 South St. N 31 Hopkinton MA 01748 Environmental Systems Design 175 W. Jackson N 70 Chicago IL 60603 Flashmap Systems, Inc. 41 Marcellus Drive N 25 Newton MA 02459 Fortegra, Inc. 212 Longhill Road N 127 Goode VA 24556 Fujitsu Technology Solutions 1250 E Arques Ave N 40 Sunnyvale CA 94088 Fusion Technology 1332 Laurie Lane N 569 Burr Ridge IL 60521 Gartner Group 56 Top Gallant Rd N 167 Stamford CT 06904 Genuity 120 S LaSalle St N 179 Chicago IL 60603 Global Integrity Corporation 19 West 44th St N 38 New York NY 10036 H & W Computer Systems 6154 N Meeker Pl N 32 Boise ID 83713 Hewlett-Packard Company 8000 Foothills Blvd N 104 Roseville CA 95747 Hi-Tech Solutions Two Mid America Plaza N 1,123 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Hitachi Data Systems Two Prudential Plaza N 202 Chicago IL 60693 Hummingbird PO BOX 8500- 3885 N 37 Philadelphia, PA 19178- 3885 IBM Corporation 2005 Market St N 30,202 Philadelphia PA 19103-7099 IBM Global Services 455 Park Place N 552 Lexington KY 40511 Inacom Information System N 68 35

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Information Technology - continued Indus International 60 Spear St N 236 San Francisco CA 94120 Information Builders, Inc 3010 Highland Parkway N 43 Downers Grove IL 60515 Insource Partners 3940 N. Janssen Ave. N 649 Chicago, IL. 60613 Interactive Business Systems Inc 118 S Clinton N 290 Chicago IL 60661 International Network Services N 29 Interwoven 803 11th Avenue N 44 Sunnyvale CA 94089 Jefferson Wells International, Inc. 1600 Market St., Suite 1700 N 237 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Judge Group Two Bala Plaza N 107 Bala Cynwyd PA 19004-1510 Learning Tree International 1831 Michael Faraday Dr. N 39 Reston VA 20190 Lexisnexis 211 Crossington Lane N 107 Troy IL 62294 Longview of America 1974 Sproul Road N 84 Broomall PA 19008 Lowry Technologies 1717 Logan Avenue South N 62 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Maragret Ruddy N 34 Megasys Computer 6815 8TH Street N.E. N 137 Calgary, AB T2E7H7 Meta Group, Inc. P.O. BOX 19114 N 79 Newark, NJ 07195-0114 Microsoft 7100 Valley View Lane N 365 Irving TX 75039 Microsoft Consulting Services 3025 Highland Parkway N 39 Downers Grove IL 60515 Microsoft Licensing, GP N 219 Motorola Inc. 1000 Mittel Drive N 113 Wood Dale IL 60191 NetIQ Corporation 3553 N First St. N 56 San Jose CA 95134 Neon Systems, Inc. 14100 Southwest Freeway N 36 Sugar Land TX 77478 Netegrity 201 Jones Road N 57 Waltham MA 02451 Netpro Computing, Inc 7150 E Camel Back Rd. N 35 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 36

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Information Technology - continued Nextira-One, LLC 470 Lapp Rd N 557 Malvern PA 19355-1212 Northern Consulting Associates 931 W 75th Street N 40 Naperville IL 60565 OC Tanner 1930 South State Street N 27 Salt Lake City UT 84115 OAO Services, Inc. 2222 East NC Hwy 54 N 174 Greenbelt MD 20770 Oracle 500 Oracle Parkway N 285 Red Shores CA 94065 Peoplesoft USA 4460 Hacienda Dr N (589) Pleasanton CA 94588 Perficient, Inc 1019 School St. N 213 Lisle, IL 60532 Peters & Associates, Inc 909 S Route 83 N 101 Elmhurst IL 60126 Power Plan Consultants Inc 1600 Parkwood Circle N 286 Atlanta GA 30339 Predictive Systems, Inc. 19 West 44th Street N 133 New York NY 10036 PRG - Schultz USA P.O. Box 100101 N 35 Atlanta, GA 30384-0101 Primavera Systems, Inc. Two Bala Plaza N 79 Huntingdun PA 19006 Programming Plus 3172 Friedens Lane N 36 Center Valley PA 18034 Proquire Plus 133 Peachtree St N 80 Atlanta Georgia 30303 Public Utilities Maintenance 8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 401 N 28 Vienna, VA 22182-9919 Quantum Crossings, LLC 455 N. Cityfront Plaza Dr. N 184 Chicago, IL 60611 Quest Software 8001 Irvine Center Drive N 28 Irvine CA 92618 Recall Total Infromational Mmgmt N 227 Schaumberg IL 60173 Reed Elsevier Inc PO Box 2314 N 39 Carol Stream IL 60132 The Research Board POB 911929 N 32 Dallas TX 75391 SAS Institute Two Prudential Plaza N 145 Chicago IL 60601 SBC Global Markets 225 West Randolph, Suite 6A N 4,395 Chicago, IL 60606 Scientel LLC 1007 Oak Creek Dr N 98 Lombard IL 60148 37

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Information Technology - continued Serena Software 500 Airport Boulevard N 26 Burlingame CA 94010 Siemens Info & Comm Network, Inc 1701 Golf Rd N 45 Rollings Meadows IL 60008 Softmart Inc. 450 Acorn Lane N 857 Dowingtown PA 19335 Software Consulting Group 1400 North Providence Rd N 114 Media PA 19063 Source One Technology Services 5950 County Line Road N 48 Burr Ridge IL 60521 Spaan Technology, Inc. 850 West Jackson, Suite 250 N 110 Chicago, IL 60607 SPR 135 S. LaSalle ST., Dpt 6492 N 47 Chicago, IL 60674-6492 Storage Technology Corporation 10 S Wacker Dr N 336 Chicago IL 60606 Storage Tek Financial 1401 Pearl St N 346 Services Group Boulder CO 80302 Strohl Systems 631 Park Avenue N 36 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Subject, Willis & Company 1420 Kingston Road N 55 Oak Brook IL 60523 Sungard Recovery Services 1285 Drummers Lane N 784 Wayne, PA 19087 Symmetricom POB 14766 N 29 Austin TX 78761 System Management Arts 14 Mamaroneck Ave N 25 White Plains NY 10601 Tek Systems, Inc. 1400 Opus Place N 425 Downers Grove IL 60515 Teladjust Inc. N 84 Trademux LLC 14 N. Deer Place N 74 Hainesport NJ 08036 Tri-Comp Consulting 4600 Maple CL. N 30 Brookfield IL 60513 UUNet Technologies 3110 Fairview Park Drive N 44 Falls Church VA 22042 Vantage Moca N 160 XO Communication 1220 Broadcasting Road N 52 Wyomissing PA 19610 XRT-Cerg America, Inc 1150 First Avenue N 94 King of Prussia PA 19406 Other (169 vendors) N 90 --------- $ 57,006 --------- 38

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Investor Relations Shareholder.com 12 Clock Tower Place N 32 Maynard, MA 01754 Thomson Financial 7271 Collection Center Dr N 33 Chicago IL 60693 Other (3 vendors) N 10 --------- $ 75 --------- Legal Affiliates POB 6248 N $ 40 Carol Stream IL 60197 Baker Botts LLP Attorneys at Law N 51 Washington DC 20004 Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll 1735 Market St N 390 Philadelphia PA 19103-7599 Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley Counselors at Law N 44 Philadelphia PA 19103 Chadbourne & Parke, LLP 1200 New Hampshire Avenue N 320 Washington DC 20036 Foley & Larder 321 North Clark Street N 698 Chicago IL 60610 Holland & Knight 131 Dearborn Street N 59 Chicago IL 60603 Jenner & Block One IBM Plaza N 147 Chicago IL 60611 Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue PO Box 70294 N 119 Washington DC 20044 Julie V. Stevenson, Esq. N 40 Kirkland & Ellis 200 E Randolf N 268 Chicago IL 60601 The Legal Knowledge Company 1100 Glendon Avenue N 191 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Maryanne T. Donaghy N 52 Meckler Bulger & Tilson 123 North Wacker Drive N 54 Chicago IL 60606 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius PO Box 8500 N 170 Philadelphia PA 19178 Oxford Legal Associates Ltd. 416 Bethlehem Pike N 63 Fort Washington PA 19034 Paul Wright, LLC 1748 West Diversy Parkway N 45 Chicago IL 60614 Priya Sankaranarayanan N 46 39

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Legal - continued Reaves C. Lukens Company 1626 Spruce Street N 64 Philadelphia PA 19103 Reed Smith LLP POB 7777-W4055 N 35 Philadelphia PA 19175 Sanchez & Daniels 333 West Wacker Drive N 31 Chicago IL 60606 Schiff Hardin & White 233 S. Wacker Drive N 33 Chicago IL 60606 Shaw, Pittman 2300 N Street, NW N 46 Washington DC 20037 Sidley & Austin One Bank Plaza N 1,934 Chicago IL 60603 Sonneschein Nath & Rosenthal 8000 Sears Tower N 58 Chicago IL 60606 Thelen Reid & Priest LLP 875 Thrid Avenue N 125 New York NY 10022 William J. Donohue 1105 Blythe Ave N 149 Drexel Hill PA 19026 Winston & Strawn 35 W Wacker Dr N 134 Chicago IL 60601 Other (31 vendors) 142 --------- $ 5,548 --------- Mail Services Commonwealth Edison Company A $ 164 --------- Maintenance and Repair Power Labs A $ 724 --------- Occupation Health & Safety Bensinger, DuPont & Associates 11300 Rockville N $ 60 Rockville, MD 20852 Cape Health Solutions 7511/2West Poplar Ave N 43 West Wildwood NJ 08260 Concentra Medical Centers POB 488 N 36 Lombard IL 60148 Dr. John Koehler, MD 750 Orth Rd N 82 Caledonia IL 61011-9471 Drugscan, Inc. 1119 Mearns Rd N 144 Warminster PA 18974-0097 Granieri, Samuel J. MD 4109 Johnson Ave N 60 Western Springs IL 60558 Intelistaf Health POB 503289 N 99 St Louis MO 63150 40

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Occupation Health & Safety - continued Medtox Laboratories Inc. 402 West County Road N 73 Saint Paul MN 55112 Physician's Immediate Care 11475 North 2nd St N 130 Machesney Park IL 61014 Psychiatric Associates N 37 Quest Diagnostics POB 64500 N 38 Baltimore MD 21264 Theodore J. Hogan & Associates 103 Stephen Street N 78 Lemont IL 60439 University of Pennsylvania 3733 Spruce St N 87 Philadelphia PA 19104 Other (108 vendors) 230 --------- $ 1,197 --------- Outplacement Services The Derson Group Ltd 332 S Michigan Ave N $ 22 Chicago IL 60604 --------- $ 22 --------- Procurement Inovis, Inc. 1277 Lenox Park Blvd N $ 68 Atlanta, GA 30319 Other (4 vendors) N 34 --------- $ 102 --------- Risk Management Strategic Decision 135 South LaSalle Street N $ 40 Chicago, IL 60674-4628 Other (4 vendors) 46 --------- $ 86 --------- Security Services (8 Vendors) N $ 44 --------- Sky Boxes Commonwealth Edison Company A $ 12 --------- Stock Services Equiserve 4229 Collection Center Dr N $ 1,553 Chicago IL 60693 --------- 41

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Outside Services Employed - Account 923 - continued (in thousands) Relationship "A" Associate From Whom Purchased Address "N" Non Associate Amount Tax Service Deloitte & Touche 1700 Market St N $ 1,674 Philadelphia PA 19103-3984 KPMG, LLP 100 Matson Ford Rd N 204 Randor PA 19087-4568 Other (1 vendors) N 2 --------- $ 1,880 --------- Training The American College 270 Byn Mawr Ave N $ 33 Bryn Mawr PA 19018 American Computers Educators 1617 JFK Boulevard N 52 Philadelphia PA 19103 Center for Corporate Education One Tower Lane N 42 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Cheryl Coovert 16010 River Road N 74 Plainfield, IL 60544 Communispond, Inc. P O BOX 414826 N 126 Boston, MA 02241-4826 Conference Board, Inc. POB 4026 N 28 New York NY 10261 The Corporate Learning Institue 1195 Summerhill Drive N 27 Lisle IL 60532 CPS Corporate Consultants 400 N. Wells N 60 Chicago, IL 60610 Gelfond Group 535 Route 38 N 37 Cherry Hill NJ 08002 IMA, Inc. P O BOX 17854 N 52 Denver, CO 80217-0854 Johnson, Fenner & Levy PO Box 835 N 367 Bryn Mawr PA 19010 Larraine Hall 7002 99th Street N 37 Chicago Ridge IL 60415 Management Associated Results Co Inc (MARC) N 80 Terre Haute IN 47807 Northwestern University 633 Clark Street N 104 Evanston IL 60208 Penn State University 310 Business Admin Bldg N 68 University Park PA 16802 Tedesco, Marilyn B. N 202 Other (60 vendors) 254 --------- $ 1,643 --------- Total Services $ 109,611 ========= 42

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Employee Pensions and Benefits - Account 926 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of each pension plan and benefit program provided by the service company. Such listing should be limited to $25,000. Description Amount Pension $ 10,303 Medical Plan 7,879 Post Retirement Benefits other than Pensions 6,691 Employee Savings and Investment Plan 3,735 Variable Stock Options 2,303 Executive Life Insurance 1,668 Long Term Disability 861 Unearned Compensation on Executive Trusts 700 Dental Plan 618 Tuition Reimbursement 377 Excess Benefit Savings Plan 301 Other Benefits 348 --------- TOTAL $ 35,784 ========= 43

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 General Advertising Expenses - Account 930.1 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 930.1, "General Advertising Expenses," classifying the items according to the nature of the advertising and as defined in the account definition. If a particular class includes an amount in excess of $3,000 applicable to a single payee, show separately the name of the payee and the aggregate amount applicable thereto. Description Name of Payee Amount Advertising Management Advantage Marketing Group $ 77 JRS Consulting, Inc. 81 New Communications, Inc. 4 Norton Rubble & Mertz Advertising 3 Renard Communications, Inc. 3 Summit Marketing Group 4 Tierney Communications 1,044 -------- $ 1,216 -------- Sponsorship Center for Clean Air Policy $ 5 Chicago Bulls 518 The Chicago Network 15 Chicago White Sox 263 EFK Group 184 Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services 10 Human Resource Planning Society 4 Network of Exelon Women 8 NSHMBA 7 Philadelphia Sports Congress 25 United States Golf Association 67 University of Southern California 6 Other 9 -------- $ 1,121 -------- 44

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 General Advertising Expenses - Account 930.1 - continued (in thousands) Description Name of Payee Amount Promotions 1492 Hospitality $ 10 All American Sign Company 4 Artcraft & Foremost 36 Barton G 9 Bridgeforth Wolf & Associates 3 Chicago Exhibit Productions 16 Covert Operations 5 D & D Interactive 5 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 175 Iris Alicea 10 Jo Davies Workshop, Inc. 6 JWT Specialized Communications 23 Linjen Promotions, Inc. 7 Ridgewood Caterer 19 Other 5 -------- $ 333 -------- Brand Management Kass Uehling $ 24 -------- Print Advertisement RealPhilly $ 12 -------- TOTAL $ 2,706 ======== 45

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Miscellaneous General Expenses - Account 930.2 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 930.2, "Miscellaneous General Expenses," classifying such expenses according to their nature. Payments and expense permitted by Section 321 (b)(2) of the Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended by Public Law 94-283 in 1976 (2 U.S.C. 441(b)(2)) shall be separately classified. Description Amount Annual Meeting $ 94 Annual Report 1,450 Contributions to Industry/Industry Conferences 202 Corporate Memberships 256 Director Services, Including Fees 1,576 Financial Report Printing 116 Shareholder Services 39 Trust Administration 8 Write-off of Restructuring Balances (457) -------- TOTAL $ 3,284 ======== ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Rents - Account 931 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 931, "Rents," classifying such expenses by major groupings of property, as defined in the account definition of the Uniform System of Accounts. Type of Property Amount 305 Structures and Improvements $ 12,736 307 Equipment - Informational Technology 532 -------- TOTAL $ 13,268 ======== 46

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes - Account 408 in thousands) Instructions: Provide an analysis of Account 408, "Taxes Other Than Income Taxes." Separate the analysis into two groups: (1) other than U.S. Government taxes, and (2) U.S. Government taxes. Specify each of the various kinds of taxes and show the amounts thereof. Provide a subtotal for each class of tax. Kind of Tax Amount U.S. Government Taxes Federal Insurance Contribution Tax (FICA) $ 5,144 Federal Unemployment Insurance Tax (FUTA) 66 -------- SUBTOTAL $ 5,210 -------- Other than U.S. Government Taxes State Unemployment Insurance Tax (SUTA) $ 308 Medicare Tax 1,825 Use tax 129 Other 18 -------- SUBTOTAL $ 2,280 -------- TOTAL $ 7,490 ======== 47

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Donations - Account 426.1 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 426.1, "Donations," classifying such expenses by its purpose. The aggregate number and amount of all items of less than $3,000 may be shown in lieu of details. Name of Recipient Purpose of Donation Amount American Lung Association Charitable $ 15 American Red Cross Charitable 5 The Art Institute of Chicago Charitable 305 Arts & Business Council of Chicago Charitable 5 Asian American Community Charitable 6 Association of Fundraising Professionals Charitable 10 Auburn Alumni Engineering Council Charitable 5 Auburn University Foundation Charitable 5 Big Shoulders Fund Charitable 100 Boys & Girls Club Charitable 15 C.U.R.E. Charitable 6 CAEL Charitable 25 Camphill Special School Charitable 5 The Carpenters Company of the City Charitable 4 The Carter Center, Inc. Charitable 8 Catholic Theological Union Charitable 10 Central DuPage Health Foundation Charitable 5 Chicago Area Council Charitable 10 Chicago Cares Charitable 10 Chicago Council on Foreign Relation Charitable 10 Chicago Foundation for Women Charitable 5 Chicago Historical Society Charitable 260 Chicago Minority Business Charitable 6 Chicago Park District Charitable 475 Chicago Shakespeare Theatre Charitable 15 Chicago Symphony Orchestra Charitable 25 Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Charitable 6 Children First Inc Charitable 36 Conference Board, Inc. Charitable 9 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Charitable 15 The Conservation Fund Charitable 5 DePaul University Charitable 3 Drexel University Charitable 16 Easter Seals of DuPage Charitable 5 Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago Charitable 3 Erikson Institute Charitable 30 Executives Club of Chicago Charitable 4 Field Museum of Natural History Charitable 100 Francis W. Parker School Charitable 10 Friends of the Park Charitable 6 Girl Scouts of Chicago Charitable 10 Granville Academy National Charitable 50 48

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Donations - Account 426.1 - continued (in thousands) Name of Recipient Purpose of Donation Amount Greater Chicago Food Depository Charitable $ 3 Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement Charitable 8 Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility Charitable 7 Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois Charitable 10 Horizons for Youth Charitable 10 Hubbard Street Dance of Chicago Charitable 10 Illinois Bar Association Charitable 5 Illinois Institute of Technology Charitable 90 Immaculate Conception School Charitable 6 The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago Charitable 10 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Charitable 10 John G. Shedd Aquarium Charitable 5 Junior Achievement Charitable 5 Juvenile Diabetes Research Charitable 25 Latin School Charitable 5 Lehigh University Charitable 6 Lights of Liberty Charitable 200 Lincoln Park Zoo Charitable 5 Lincoln University Charitable 12 Lyric Opera of Chicago Charitable 50 Magee Rehabilitation Foundation Charitable 5 Merit School of Music Charitable 25 Mexican American Legal Defense Charitable 20 Museum of Science and Industry Charitable 24 NAACP Illinois State Conference Charitable 5 Nami Kane County South, Inc. Charitable 5 National Association of Neighborhoods Charitable 5 National Constitution Center Charitable 50 National Fund for US Botanic Garden Charitable 15 National Hispanic Press Foundation Charitable 30 National Legal Aid & Defender Charitable 5 National Puerto Rican Coalition Inc Charitable 5 National Safety Council Charitable 15 The Nature Conservatory Charitable 150 New America Alliance Charitable 15 Newman Center Charitable 5 Northwestern University Charitable 111 Operation Good Neighborhood Foundation Charitable 25 Pennsylvania Ballet Charitable 10 The People's Music School Charitable 23 Perspectives Charter School Charitable 4 Philadelphia Hospitality, Inc. Charitable 4 Play for Peace Charitable 5 Purdue University Foundation Charitable 4 Ravinia Festival Association Charitable 10 Resources for the Future Charitable 50 49

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Donations - Account 426.1 - continued (in thousands) Name of Recipient Purpose of Donation Amount Sacred Heart High School Charitable 10 Saint Joseph School Charitable 3 Scholarship Chicago Charitable 8 Shoah Visual History Foundation Charitable 5 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Charitable 10 Spanish Coalition for Jobs, Inc. Charitable 21 Steppenwolf Theatre Company Charitable 10 Studio Chicago Charitable 3 The Ripon Educational Fund Charitable 23 Trinity Lutheran School Charitable 4 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Charitable 25 United Negro College Fund Charitable 13 United States Hispanic Leadership Charitable 15 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Charitable 50 United States Naval Academy Charitable 4 United Way Charitable 4 University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundations Charitable 25 University of Notre Dame Charitable 3 University of Pennsylvania Charitable 31 USC Educational Foundation Charitable 25 USO of Illinois Charitable 10 Victory Gardens Theatre Charitable 15 Women Employed Institute Charitable 15 YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago Charitable 15 YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago Charitable 13 Other Universities and Schools (343 items under $3,000) Charitable 167 Other (55 items under $3,000) Charitable 67 -------- TOTAL $ 3,359 ======== 50

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Other Deductions - Account 426.5 (in thousands) Instructions: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 426.5, "Other Deductions," classifying such expenses according to their nature. Description Name of Payee Amount Bank Commitment Fees Bank One $ 211 -------- Public Relations Akin, Gump, Strauss, Haver & Feld $ Capitol Tax Partners 180 Government Strategies Inc. 67 Image Base 20 John H. Sununu 67 Johnston & Associates 15 Kass Uehling Inc. 19 Kessler & Associates Business Services 90 Klett, Rooney, Lieber & Schorling 16 McGovern & Smith 40 Morris Schreim 93 PR Newswire, Inc. 48 The Washington Group 300 Other 30 -------- $ 985 -------- Employee Settlements $ 114 -------- Exelon PAC Administration Comerica Bank $ 34 Democratic Leadership Council 50 -------- $ 84 -------- Stock Listing Fees New York Stock Exchange $ 305 Chicago Stock Exchange 3 -------- $ 308 -------- TOTAL $ 1,702 ======== 51

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Schedule XVIII - Notes to Statement of Income Instructions: The space below is provided for important notes regarding the statement of income or any account thereof. Furnish particulars as to any significant increases in services rendered or expenses incurred during the year. Notes relating to financial statements shown elsewhere in this report may be indicated here by reference. See Schedule XIV, Notes to Financial Statements 52

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Organization Chart As of December 31, 2003 John W. Rowe - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exelon Corporation Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. - President and Chief Operating Officer, Exelon Corporation Michael A. Bemis - Senior Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President of Exelon Energy Delivery Company LLC Frank M. Clark - Senior Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President, Commonwealth Edison Company Denis P. O'Brien - President, PECO Energy Company Ian P. McLean - Executive Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President, Power Team, Exelon Generation John F. Young - Senior Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President, Exelon Power John L. Skolds - Senior Vice President, Exelon Generation; President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Exelon Nuclear David W. Woods - Senior Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, Exelon Corporation Pamela B. Strobel - Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Exelon Corporation Ruth Ann M. Gillis - Senior Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President, Exelon Business Services Company George H. Gilmore, Jr. - Senior Vice President, Exelon Corporation; President, Enterprises Company LLC Robert S. Shapard - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Exelon Corporation J. Barry Mitchell, Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Exelon Corporation Randall E. Mehrberg - Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Exelon Corporation Richard H. Glanton - Senior Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions, Exelon Corporation Katherine K. Combs - Vice President, Corporate Secretary and Deputy General Counsel, Exelon Corporation Elizabeth Anne Moler - Executive Vice President, Government and Environmental Affairs and Public Policy, Exelon Corporation S. Gary Snodgrass - Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Exelon Corporation 53

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Methods of Allocation General: Direct charges shall be made so far as costs can be identified and related to the particular transactions involved without excessive effort or expense. Other elements of cost, including taxes, interest, other overhead, and compensation for the use of capital procured by the issuance of capital stock, shall be fairly and equitably allocated using the ratios set forth below. Revenue Related Ratios: Revenues Sales - Units sold and/or transported Number of Customers Expenditure Related Ratios: Total Expenditures Operations and Maintenance Expenditures Capital Expenditures Service Company Billings Service Company SLA Billings (Non-governance) Labor/Payroll Related Ratios: Labor / Payroll Number of Employees Units Related Ratios: Usage (for example: CPU's, square feet , number of vendor invoice payments) Consumption (for example: tons of coal, gallons of oil, MMBTU's) Capacity (for example: nameplate generating capacity, peak load, gas throughput) Other units related Assets Related Ratios: Total Assets Current Assets Gross Plant Composite Ratios: Total Average Assets and 12 months ended Gross Payroll Other composite ratios 54

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Annual Statement of Compensation for Use of Capital Billed (in thousands) Account 430 Interest on debt to associate companies $ 1,495 55

Form U-13-60 Exhibit # 1 This exhibit is made pursuant to Exelon's Form U-1 Application-Declaration, as amended (the "Merger U-1") dated October 18, 2000 and the Commission's Order dated October 19, 2000. This exhibit reports information concerning non-service associate company transactions provided during the period from July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003. Any capitalized terms used herein but not defined have the respective meanings given in the Merger U-1 or in the Commission's Order. See attached spreadsheet for: 1. List of companies providing services; 2. List of companies receiving services; 3. A description of the type of services provided; 4. The dollar amount of the services provided, by category; 5. A description of the method of charging for services, i.e., cost, or, if permitted, other than cost; 6. A reference to the agreement under which such services were provided and transfer charges were based. An income statement and balance sheet for each service provider for, and as of, the most recently completed fiscal year, is being provided confidentially on Form SE. 56

ANNUAL REPORT OF EXELON BUSINESS SERVICES COMPANY Signature Clause Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission issued thereunder, the undersigned company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned officer thereunto duly authorized. Exelon Business Services Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of Reporting Company) By: /s/ Robert S. Shapard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature of Signing Officer) Robert S. Shapard, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Printed Name and Title of Signing Officer) Date: April 30, 2004 ----------------